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Xoán M. Paredes (1975)

[GL] Criado entre a Galiza e os Países Catalans, licencia-se em Geografia na Universidade de Compostela com especializaçom em geografia cultural e da Europa Atlântica.
Entre 1999 e 2010 mora na Irlanda, onde completa a sua tese de MPhil em ordenamento territorial e trabalha  como docente e bibliotecário na University College Cork. Colabora tamém de forma regular com o Centro Irlandês de Estudos Galegos e Leitorado de Português dessa universidade, assim como com o Ministério de Educaçom e Ciência do país.
Durante essa etapa contribui à agitaçom cultural da comunidade galega e portuguesa local; tivo e tem, de facto, um compromisso pessoal com a promoçom e divulgaçom da realidade galega a nível internacional.
Desde a sua volta à Galiza certifica-se como guia do património e participa activamente numha série de associaçons e projectos, incluída a responsabilidade da Irmandade Druídica Galaica (IDG) e a criaçom de Galicia Unveiled, empresa através da qual exerce agora toda a sua atividade profissional.
Tem obra publicada em vários idiomas e foi editor da revista de investigaçom geográfica Chimera (Irlanda), além de administrador de diversos portais e serviços de internet.

Perfil profissional e serviços:

  • Geografia.
    – Geografia cultural e histórica.
    – Ordenamento territorial e planeamento.
    – Gestom cultural e do património.
  • Consultoria cultural e linguística.
    – Traduçom, revisom, localizaçom e interpretaçom.
    – Criaçom de conteúdos e serviços de redacçom.
    – Divulgaçom e docência.
    – Guia turístico oficial.
  • Documentalista e relaçons institucionais.
    – Biblioteconomia, ensino electrónico e TICs.
    – Relaçons públicas e atençom ao cliente.
    – Gestor de comunidade e consultor TI


[EN] Raised between Galiza and the Catalan Countries, Xoán(*) is a BA+MA in Geography by the University of Compostela, with a specialisation in cultural geography and Atlantic Europe.
Between 1999 and 2010 he lived in Ireland, where he completed his MPhil thesis on territorial management and planning, and worked as a teaching assistant and librarian at University College Cork. Xoán also collaborated regularly with UCC’s Irish Centre for Galician Studies and the Portuguese Leitorado, as well as with the nation’s Department of Education and Science.
During that period, he contributed to the cultural dynamisation of the local Portuguese and Galizan community. He had – and still has – a personal commitment to raising the awareness of the Galizan reality abroad.
Following his return to Galiza, Xoán obtained an official heritage guide certification and has been actively involved in a series of associations and projects, including the responsibilities over the Pan-Galizan Druidic Fellowship (IDG) and the creation of Galicia Unveiled, venture through which he now carries out all his professional activity.
He has published work in several languages and was the editor of the geography research journal Chimera (Ireland), as well as administrator of a number of Internet portals and services.

Professional profile and services:

  • Geography.
    – Cultural and historical geography.
    – Territorial management and planning.
    – Cultural and heritage management.
  • Language and cultural consultancy.
    – Translation, proofreading, localisation and interpretation.
    – Content creation and writing services.
    – Dissemination and teaching.
    – Official tourist guide.
  • Information Specialist and institutional administration.
    – Librarianship, e-learning and ICT.
    – Public relations and customer service.
    – Community manager and IT advisor.

(*) “Xoán” is pronounced very much like “Seán” but with a twist, an open “ah”, at the end. Or [ʃo̯aŋ] 😉


Contacto | Contact

[GL] Envia correio-e para x o a n @ x o a n . n e t especificando “Milésio” no assunto (para evitar correio lixo).
Há certa actividade esporádica em Facebook, Twitter e Instagram. Ocasionalmente (mas quase nunca) em Linkedin.

[EN] Send an e-mail to x o a n @ x o a n . n e t stating “Milésio” in the subject (so it doesn’t go into spam).
There’s some random activity on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Occasionally (but hardly ever) on Linkedin.


ORCID iD 0009-0002-1426-531X